Saturday, October 29, 2016

Lock Who Up?

Lock her up!
  • Had problems with the way she used email. 

Lock him up!
  • Boasted about, and may well have committed, sexual assault.
  • Withheld payment from family-business contractors who did work for him, then dared them to sue him. 
  • Ran several businesses into bankruptcy and left investors holding the bag. 
  • Ran a totally bogus “university” – currently the target of lawsuits by people who were taken in by the scam – that had on its faculty and staff people with personal bankruptcies, foreclosures, credit card defaults, and/or tax liens in their past, as well as “teachers” who did not have college degrees and were not licensed to broker real estate.
  • Has filed over 4,000 lawsuits in three decades. 
  • Has tried to subvert the American democracy by claiming the electoral system that has served the country for over 200 years is “rigged” and therefore invalid. 
  • Has refused to disclose his tax returns – documents that may well show business ties to Russia, a country whose leadership he has expressed admiration for and a country that has thousands of warheads trained on U.S. cities. 
  • Mounted a blatantly racist and totally false “birther” campaign targeting the President of the United States 
  • Counts among his most ardent supporters members of the Alt-Right, white supremacists, and people who brandish swastikas. 
  • And on… 
  • And on… 
  • And on.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Donald Trump. Real Estate Man and Failed Casino Operator,, Sets the Generals Straight

The pentagon tells us that more than 50,000 bombs have been dropped on ISIS targets by U.S-led coalition drones and warplanes in Iraq and Syria in the last two and a half years or so, killing some 25,000 ISIS militants and causing ISIS to relinquish massive chunks of its self-declared caliphate. The announcement that the fight to take back Mosul was beginning came just hours after ISIS lost Dabiq, a village in Syria they had said was where Armageddon would play out in an apocalyptic battle with infidel forces from the West. (It was reported that ISIS forces fled Dabiq when Syrian rebels, backed by Turkey and reportedly advised by U.S. Special Forces, pushed into the town.)

In recent months, ISIS has lost a number of top leaders in U.S. airstrikes, including its chief of external operations, Abu Mohammad al-Adnani, in and Wa’il Adil Hasan Salman al-Fayad, the minister of information and a member of the ruling Shura Council. One administration official reportedly described the situation as “a rapidly crumbling caliphate… under more pressure than ever before.”

So goes the administration’s “feckless” – Mike Pence’s favorite new word – foreign policy generally and its program for squashing ISIS in particular, as the coalition moves on the last ISIS stronghold of Mosul. As for the attack on Mosul, the United States, it is reported, has played a key role in coordinating rival Iraqi forces for the operation, and with the recent addition of another six hundred troops, the U.S. now has more than five thousand personnel deployed in Iraq and another few hundred Special Forces in Syria.

Meanwhile, as Josh Rogin wrote in The Washigton Post: “For months, Donald Trump has been promising to be tough on the Islamic State and has criticized the Obama administration for not taking the fight to the terrorists. Now that the battle of Mosul is underway, Trump has become a cheerleader for the failure of the mission while promoting a conspiracy theory that it’s all about him.”

Trump’s conspiracy theory: The Obama administration began the assault on Mosul “because Obama wanted to show what a tough guy he is before the election.”

Trump has already declared the Mosul operation a failure – a “disaster” in fact -- but still has not said what he would do to combat ISIS that has not been done, other than he would “knock the hell out of” them. (So much more sophisticated than the planning of the senior military advisors that has eviscerated ISIS over the past couple of years.)

Josh Rogin: ‘Trump’s statements on how he would combat the Islamic State have been all over the map. At various times he has said his plans are ‘secret,’ endorsed the torture of suspected terrorists, pledged to kill their families and promised to 'take the oil,' which makes no sense at all.”

As for Trump’s talk – well-known military tactician that he is, due, presumably, to his attendance at a military prep school -- about famous WWII generals turning over in their graves at the failure of the U.S. military to make the attack on Mosul a surprise, there’s this from the news/opinion site Vox:

Preparing to launch a massive military operation to retake Iraq’s second-largest city is not the kind of thing that can be done stealthily. It’s literally not possible to move tens of thousands of troops, heavy artillery, and other equipment to the outskirts of the city a couple of hours before the attack is supposed to begin. Making matters even harder, the 20,000 to 30,000 troops that will take part in the offensive aren’t part of a central, unified command. Moving fighters from so many different groups — some members of a formal army, some just tribal fighters with minimal training — and all of their weapons and equipment into place around a city as big as Mosul takes a while. And the idea that all that activity would go unnoticed by ISIS fighters in Mosul and the surrounding areas beggars belief.”

(In this connection, there have been a good many comparisons to the invasion of Europe on D-Day, which, critics point out, was kept a secret by the allies as to where and when it would occur. If that could be done with an operation as massive as D-Day, why not Mosul? Well, the “where” part of the secret-keeping is going to be a problem for this line of argument, since any attack on Mosul would take place at…well, Mosul. [Where else? Cincinnati?] As for the when, see the above paragraph.)

Trumps posturing on this subject has been nothing short of buffoonish. He has no clue what he’s talking about, and makes it up as he goes along. He has no experience in this area, no knowledge, no expertise. But, of course, that doesn’t stop him from offering up his ridiculous opinions on the matter, and it doesn’t stop his followers from siding with him on this as opposed to the dozens-to-hundreds of senior military staff who actually know what they’re doing. ("Doh! Why didn't we think of that?" they prob ably said when told about the sneak-attack stratagem.)

As all of this is going on in the Middle East – that is, as dreams of an Islamic State, or
Caliphate, are being relegated to the dustbin of history – efforts to inflict damage and casualties in western countries by people affiliated with ISIS or inspired by it, and by jihadists and assorted other members of the lunatic fringe, will doubtless continue. But that’s not about battalions deployed in the Middle East and the taking of territory by way of large military operations. It’s about hard and smart work by the intelligence communities and police in the targeted countries, including the U.S. Stamping out ISIS on the other side of the world will not stop these attacks. Perhaps nothing will stop all of them. But police and intelligence work, not tough-guy promises to “knock the hell out of them,” are our best hope.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Separate but Equal?

It’s remarkable how some people sigh over the condition of the election as a whole every time Donald Trump says or does something off-the-wall, which he does daily; as if Clinton were somehow equally responsible for Trump’s irresponsibility. I can’t imagine the fictions people tell themselves about Clinton to create this false equivalence. The idea that Trump and Clinton are somehow equally reprehensible is itself reprehensible and completely at odds with the facts. The overwrought hatred of Clinton that would lead even otherwise reasonable people to prefer the worst candidate in the history of American politics is not rational. Once again, then, a listing (doubtless incomplete) of things that Clinton has not said or done…

...claimed without evidence that the election is rigged; accused his opponent of being on drugs; refuses to show his tax returns but apparently didn’t pay any federal taxes for many years; called for negotiating with mom and pop on the redemption of their U.S. savings bonds; imagines that he saw thousands of people on TV celebrating 9/11; characterized Ferguson as one of the most dangerous places on earth; made weirdo phone calls bragging about himself while pretending to be someone else; married and discarded glamour models and made sexually suggestive remarks about his offspring; favors starting a trade war and a worldwide recession by slapping an astronomical tariff on Chinese goods; calls for the creation of a Gestapo-like government force to undertake a massive, years-long round-up and deportation of undocumented families; believes members of one religion should be put under surveillance and possibly put in camps; thinks Mexican people are rapists and wants to build a staggeringly expensive 2,000-mile wall that would be the largest infrastructure project since the interstate highway system; believes that illegal immigrants are pouring over the borders to vote in the November election; believes American soldiers should kill the innocent children of suspected terrorists; ran a fake “university”; drove five businesses into bankruptcy leaving investors and creditors with nothing, and routinely stiffed contractors; mocked a war hero who was shot down and imprisoned for five years and callously dissed the parents of a fallen American army officer; ridiculed a person with a severe disability; threatened to crush anyone who criticizes him in print through libel lawsuits; questioned Barack Obama’s country of birth and lied about his birth certificate; acquired his foreign policy expertise by “watching the shows;” accused Ted Cruz’ father of complicity in the murder of JFK; implied the Clintons murdered Vince Foster; counts among his most ardent supporters members of the Alt-Right, white supremacists, and people who brandish swastikas; referred to disliked members of the opposite sex as fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals, inferred that Megyn Kelley asked about those characterizations only because she was menstruating; bragged about grabbing women’s crotches and trying to seduce married women, and stands accused by multiple women of uninvited and unwanted spontaneous touching/kissing/grabbing.

Remember now: Hillary Clinton didn’t say these things. The mainstream media didn’t say these things. The "rigged system" didn't say these things. Donald Trump, and only Donald Trump, said these things.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Donald Exposes the Banks

Hillary Clinton, we learned this week from Donald Trump “meets in secret with international banks to plot the destruction of U.S. sovereignty, in order to enrich these global financial powers, her special interest friends, and her donors.”

Whoa! Did you, his supporters, know about this? How about, you, surrogates – yeah, you, Giuliani, Christie, Gingrich, Spence, et. al. Since you support Mr. Trump, can we assume that you agree with him on the existence of this international cabal? And if you agree with him, you must have known about it all along. Right?

Well, you should have told the rest of us, because this is serious business, this secret society that controls the universe and is out to get your guy because he’s on to them. And where is Fox News when you need them? Why haven’t they reported this? And the Wall Street Journal! Especially WSJ, which is supposed to be good at ferreting out stories about banks planning to destroy the sovereignty of the United States. Or maybe he’s just springing this news on y’all, too. In any event, the United States of America will soon be no more, if Clinton and the banks have their way. Yikes. And make no mistake: The lamestream media didn’t say this. Mr. Trump did. (By the way, don’t you just love the term “lamestream media”? Super clever play on words. I know a guy who always refers to the Clintons as “The Hillbillary.” So funny.)

Anywho…I guess we can all be grateful that Mr. Trump has turned his attention to these grave matters – viz., the end of days for America at the hands of Ms. Clinton and her banks -- because not so long ago he had other things on his mind, as recounted in the Washington Post:

“One of the other allegations this week comes from Tasha Dixon, a former Miss Arizona, who has said in multiple interviews that Trump strolled into the contestant's dressing area even when they were naked — a claim echoed to BuzzFeed by contestants in the Miss Teen USA competition, where competitors are younger than 18 years old. Trump's own comments on Stern's show, as reported by CNN over the weekend, show him copping to that very same type of behavior at his beauty pageants.

“’I’ll go backstage before a show, and everyone’s getting dressed and ready and everything else,’ he said, per CNN. ‘And you know, no men are anywhere. And I’m allowed to go in because I’m the owner of the pageant. And therefore I’m inspecting it. ‘Is everyone okay?’ You know, they’re standing there with no clothes. And you see these incredible-looking women. And so I sort of get away with things like that.’”

Hmm. Nothing creepy about any of that, right? It hasn’t gotten as much attention as the pussy-grabbing thing, but, well, there it is.

Speaking of the pussy-grabbing thing, some of Mr. Trump’s folks have said, hey, he’s running for president, not husband of the year. Or words to that effect. What an excellent point! I’m certain they would have made the exact same point about Barack Obama when he was running for president, if Obama had said this…

“I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it…I did try and fuck her. She was married…and I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping. She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’…I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married…Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look…You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait…and when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Whatever you want…grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

He’s running for president, not husband of the year. That’s what Republicans, the religious right, and evangelicals would’ve said about Obama. I’m sure of it. It’s just locker room talk, after all. I’m sure Sean Hannity would have said, in Obama’s defense, “King David had 500 concubines, for crying out loud!” Which is what he said about Mr. Trump’s sexual escapades. So let’s don’t get all bent out of shape over Obama, I think Sean would’ve cautioned. For crying out loud.

By the way, I don’t know if my bank is in on this international conspiracy thing, but if it is, it can kiss my checking account goodbye. This I can tell you. Believe me.

(This just in: Carlos Slim, the Mexican – Mexican! – billionaire is behind the New York Times part in the Great Conspiracy to bring down Mr.Trump.)

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Just Before the Second Debate

This from a previous TVFF posting:

“This is a good time to ask Trump supporters, who hold their hands over their ears and hum loudly when confronted with the litany of blockheaded ideas and outright lies their hero is guilty of, what their reaction would be if, say, Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama were found to be in business with Russia, had expressed admiration for former KGB operative Vladimir Putin, and encouraged Russia to spy on America. Or if they had called the American military a disaster, mocked an American flyer who was a prisoner of war for five years, and belittled the parents of a dead soldier. Answer: Spitting, fuming apoplexy. Hannity et. al would be shouting the T word – as in treason – from the rooftops.”

Now imagine what their reaction would be -- and what would be the reaction of evangelicals who make the unimaginably ludicrous excuse that Trump isn’t running for pastor, he’s running for president -- if Obama were caught out, on video and audio recordings, saying incredibly coarse and demeaning things about women and advocating, or possibly even admitting to, sexual assault. One cringes at the thought of the public crucifixion that would follow. And yet we hear Trump's cowardly enablers acknowledging this latest chapter of the freak show that is the Trump campaign, but arguing that we should forgive and forget; as if this were some isolated aberration where their guy merely went off the rails a little bit, as opposed to what it actually is: The latest in a long and depressing string of ideas and statements that range from the ugly to the nonsensical and which add up to a degenerate, narcissistic, uninformed blowhard who should not be allowed anywhere near our White House.

The cowardly enablers are many but the reference here is specifically to Christie, Giuliani, Ryan, and now Pence, all of whom, to save and advance their own political prospects, have consistently offered up loud and ridiculous-on-their-face excuses for Trump’s pratfalls; or like the pathetic Ryan, acknowledge the abject horrendousness of the various incidents but kiss them off by expressing the forlorn hope that Trump will do better later. This, instead of doing what they’d be doing if they had any spine and were less willing to sell out the country for their own political fortunes: Withdraw their support and tell the guy to take a hike.

It is as if they are saying the following: “Here’s a guy who refuses to show his tax returns but apparently didn’t pay any federal taxes for many years; called for negotiating with mom and pop on the redemption of their U.S. savings bonds; imagines that he saw thousands of people on TV celebrating 9/11; characterized Ferguson as one of the most dangerous places on earth; made weirdo phone calls bragging about himself while pretending to be someone else; married and discarded glamour models and made sexually suggestive remarks about his offspring; favors starting a trade war and a worldwide recession by slapping an astronomical tariff on Chinese goods; calls for the creation of a Gestapo-like government force to undertake a massive, years-long round-up and deportation of undocumented families; believes members of one religion should be put under surveillance and possibly put in camps; thinks Mexican people are rapists and wants to build a staggeringly expensive 2,000-mile wall that would be the largest infrastructure project since the interstate highway system; believes that illegal immigrants are pouring over the borders to vote in the November elction; believes American soldiers should kill the innocent children of suspected terrorists; ran a fake “university”; mocked a war hero who was shot down and imprisoned for five years; ridiculed the disability of a newspaper reporter; threatened to crush anyone who criticizes him in print through libel lawsuits; questioned Barack Obama’s country of birth and lied about his birth certificate; acquired his foreign policy expertise by “watching the shows;” accused Ted Cruz’ father of complicity in the murder of JFK; mplied the Clintons murdered Vince Foster; believes the American electoral process is rigged; counts among his most ardent supporters members of the Alt-Right, white supremacists, and people who brandish swastikas; referred to disliked members of the opposite sex as fat pigs, dogs, slobs, and disgusting animals, inferred that Megyn Kelley asked about those characterizations only because she was menstruating, and bragged about grabbing women’s crotches and trying to seduce married women…

…and he's the guy we want to be president of the United States!”

No rational person would vote for a person like that. But support for Trump has never been about rationality. It has always been about middle-finger, take-this-job-and-shove-it, you’re-not-the-boss-of-me, you-think-you’re-so-smart resentment.  His hard-core supporters simply don't care what he says or what he stands for, as long as he seems to be sticking it to the various forces they believe are out to get them; even though, as Senator Paul Sarbanes once said about Ronald Reagan, a working man voting for him is like a chicken voting for Colonel Sanders. The same can certainly now be said about a woman, working or not.

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Donald Trump, Tax Genius

Good morning Trumpkins. Today’s discussion is about your man as a “genius” for navigating tax law in such a way as to avoid paying up for a couple of decades. First of all, of course, he isn’t one. His accountants and lawyers did all the heavy lifting here and Trump himself had nothing to do with it, His battalions of little people take care of matters like that. In fact, one of the accountants said he had a hard time getting the boss to pay attention as he explained what he was up to tax-wise. A lawyer, Jack Mitnick, who oversaw Trump's income tax returns in the mid-1990s, said he, Trump, had little interest in the tax code and didn’t understand it. So much for the genius theory. And neither are the accountants and lawyers geniuses. They’re tax experts who are paid to know the ins and outs of tax law. Nothing genius about it. It’s their job.

Meanwhile, as your favorite billionaire was ingeniously using these laws to avoid paying any taxes, I paid taxes to the tune of many thousands of dollars. I’ll bet you did, too, as we struggled to make ends meet, raise children and pay for their schooling, and all the rest. That’s the system your guy (obviously) favors and wishes to continue and strengthen: He pays nothing, you pay a lot. I guess if he can get you to vote for him under those circumstances, he is a genius of sorts. What working class people see in him, except for maybe authoritarianism, is beyond understanding.

Trump said in the debate that his not paying taxes makes him smart and that even if he did, the money would be squandered. Which brings us to a discussion of the bigger picture when it comes to taxes.

Taxation is not a commie plot. We citizens pool our money in the form of taxes to buy for ourselves collectively things we want and need but which would be impractical to buy individually: Roads and bridges, police protection, schools, national defense, and so on. No question, some tax dollars are not well spent; there is graft, corruption, and mismanagement. And lots of pork (with every bit as much of it going to Republican districts as Democratic ones.)

But that doesn’t translate into tax revenue as a whole being “squandered” thereby making it smart to not pay. The things mentioned above and countless others are things we wish to have, and they do not come from our fairy godmother. We have to buy them. That’s why good citizens – citizens with a mature sense of perspective and a sense of gratitude for the blessings of this country and its civilizing institutions, look past the inevitable mis-spendings and pay their fair share willingly.

Without a doubt, a major component of anti-tax orthodoxy – of the squander theory – is the idea of “welfare.” When Tea Party types carp about big government and high taxes, their most favorite shibboleth, they’re really talking about government taking money away from them and handing it over to their less responsible fellow citizens. Big government is code for what they like to call income redistribution -- a process by which money is snatched from the hard-working and given to the lazy and stupid. For many, that process, fictional though it may be, characterizes the government’s tax-and-spend activities in their entirety.

There are unquestionably some lazy/stupid/corrupt people getting government money in this fashion. But all of the government’s so-called “safety net” programs add up to less than 10-percent of the federal budget. Of that, according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, these programs include: The refundable portions of the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credit, which assist low- and moderate-income working families; programs that provide cash payments to eligible individuals or households, including Supplemental Security Income for the elderly or disabled poor and unemployment insurance; various forms of in-kind assistance for low-income people, including SNAP (food stamps), school meals, low-income housing assistance, child care assistance, and help meeting home energy bills; and various other programs such as those that aid abused and neglected children.

So, yes, some of our federal tax dollars go to “welfare.” Ninety-percent of them do not. Most of those go to national defense (16%) and social security/medicare-medicaid (49%). (If you are against these programs, social security and medicare, because you believe them to be “socialistic” then you should step up to that and call openly and vigorously for their repeal, and not hide behind the specious “I paid into it” argument.)

In normal times. Trump’s that-makes-me-smart remark is one that would echo down the corridors of time and be cited in the history books as the thing that ended the candidacy of a major political party’s nominee for president. But that hasn’t happened and probably won’t, simply because Trump’s irresponsible and ignorant ideas and statements tumble forth daily, so that any one ridiculousness tends to not get the attention it deserves. Today’s cancels out yesterday’s.

Trump surrogate – i.e. shameless toady -- Newt Gingrich says if Trump wants to win this thing he has to get a different song, other than "I gotta be me." But it will never happen. After all, where's the fun in that? The idea that he wants to serve the people as president of the United States is laughable. That’s not what this is about. What it’s about is ego feedback. What he wants is to bellow orders and spout off his ridiculous ideas and opinions while his acolytes vigorously nod their heads – “You’re absolutely right about that, Donald,” they say as he opines that the earth is flat and the moon is made of green cheese -- and as his hot-eyed rally people, which, as Dorothy Rabinowitz, a member of the Wall Street Journal editorial board wrote, includes “his accumulation of Alt-Right cheerleaders, white supremacists and swastika devotees” -- scream their adoration.

In her WSJ editorial, entitled “Hillary-Hatred Derangement Syndrome,” Rabinowitz concluded with this thought: “It will be either Mr. Trump or Mrs. Clinton—experienced, forward-looking, indomitably determined and eminently sane. Her election alone is what stands between the American nation and the reign of the most unstable, proudly uninformed, psychologically unfit president ever to enter the White House.”